Map Only Showing Results 1 - 2 of 2
Deas' Wharf
Under Offer
Deas' Wharf
Deas' Wharf
Deas' Wharf

Offers in Excess of £130,000

bedrooms2    bathrooms 1    receptions 1   

FLS property sales are excited to announce the sale of number 48 Deas Wharf Kirkcaldy, a second storey, two bed apartment with balcony overlooking the Kirkcaldy harbour. Situated in a newly (...)

East Quality Street Dysart
East Quality Street Dysart
East Quality Street Dysart
East Quality Street Dysart

Offers in Excess of £68,000

Property is a 1 bed townhouse style property split over 3 levels in the ancient Harbour town village of Dysart, The property consists of a 3 storey building on the gable end of a larger very similar (...)